It is against our Terms of Service to share Unfiltrd Creator Content outside of Unfiltrd. Unfiltrd’s Security team closely monitors popular leak sites such as reddit forums, Thotsbay, SocialMediaGirls and others. If we locate media that has been lifted from Unfiltrd and posted to these forums we immediately file for a DMCA Takedown to have the content removed from the site.
All content is watermarked with the Creator ID making it easier for us to identify leakers. Anyone stealing creator content and leaking it to other sites will be removed from the platform and blocked from being able to access the site.
Requesting to go off platform
It is against our community guidelines to request that a creator send you content through a method different that the unfiltrd platform. For the safety of all users of Unfitlrd, we request that all transactions and content sharing be done through Unfiltrd and not through third party apps such as telegram. Unfiltrd utilizes a three strike policy for our community guidelines. If you receive three warnings for anything that violates community guidelines, you will be removed from the platform.
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