Welcome to unfiltrd! Now that you've created an account, it's time to apply to become a creator. first thing you need to do is Navigate to More> Become a creator
Once you've selected Next you'll see a screen requesting personal information. All Fields with a * are required to be approved as a creator
Once all required fields are filled in, click continue: On the next page you will be asked to upload your identification. Select your ID type from the drop down menu and then select the option to upload the photos requested:
Once you've uploaded you identification click continue: The next page will request your payment information. You can select bank as your payment info:
Banking information for US based Banks:
If you are located outside of the US please select your country from the drop down menu and supply the requested information.
Once all information is entered Click Send For Verification. You are successful when you see this screen:
Once your application is submitted it is usually submitted or declined within 2-3 business days. if your application is declined you will see the option to apply to become a creator re-appear in your More Menu.
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