We’re introducing promo codes to Unfiltrd. These codes will allow you to offer your unlockable content at a reduced price for a select few users. This differs from the Sale feature as it allows members with the promo code to get a discount on unlockable content.
* Please note that promo codes will only be available on unlockable content. These can not be used for subscriptions*
How to set up a Promo Code:
Navigate to More> My Promo Codes:
From the My Promos screen, you will see the Plus Sign at the bottom to create a new promo code
From here you will chose your promo code and the discounted amount. Once you’ve entered your information into each field, select Save.
Once saved, you can then give this promo code to any of your followers.
When creating a new Promo Code, be sure to name it differently than existing promo codes. If a promo code with the same name already exists, you will receive the following message:
Please keep in mind that much like sales on your pages, the discounted price comes off of your Unlock price. So use promo codes wisely.
Edit and Delete Promo Codes
If you would like to delete a Promo code navigate to your promo codes from the more menu. Once there, select the pen icon next to the promo code
Once you've selected the promo code you can either change the promo code or delete it from this screen
Quick Tip for Promo Codes
Make your promo codes unique! Avoid using generic codes like "Sale10" or "sale50" You'll want to use your name and the discounted amount for that code. This will avoid multiple creators having the same code and members using promo codes from other creators on your page.
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