With Rendez-vous you can now set a schedule letting your fans know when you're available for Chat, Voice and Video Calls. This article will help you set up your rendezvous, accept appointments and more.
Set up
To set up your render-vous navigate to More> Rendez-vous
Once in rendez-vous you'll have options to set pricing for services such as Messaging, Voice Calls and Video Calls
You will need to click Add Price for each service you want to offer and the duration of the service. You are able to set multiple time intervals of 5 minutes up to 3 hours.
You can have multiple time slot durations for each service as well so members can chose how long they want to spend with you.
Once you're happy with your selected durations and pricing click continue to finish setting up your schedule.
On the following page you will be able to set your availability for Rendez-vous
Rendez-vous allows you to set your availability by the day. If Tuesdays are hectic for you, you can schedule your render-vous to skip Tuesdays
With the ability to customize your schedule, you're in full control of when people can make appointments with you. Once you've set your rendez-vous scheduled click Finish. Your schedule will go live for your fans to connect with you.
Modify Rendez-vous
If you find that you want to add services, time slots or durations go to More> Render-vous: in the upper righthand corner of your screen you'll see an options button
Go ahead and click on this button to make the changes to your rendez-vous. It will look a little different in the edit screen than it did during set up.
To edit your availability select the drop down for Availability and make the necessary changes
To add services and durations. Select Rendez-vous types
Changes made while editing are auto saved by the system.
Member Scheduling in Rendez-vous
Once your rendez-vous is all set up your members will see an option in their messages to schedule with you and will include a pop up window letting them know its available
Members can click on the clip board to see your availability and schedule a time to connect with you based on services selected and availability. If you have no availability members will see the following screen:
If you do have availability they'll see this
Members can choose the time slot they want to connect with you and the duration of the time. Once they've made their selection they'll click Book {service}
You'll receive a notification that a service was booked, you can accept or decline the service in More> Rendez-vous. If you decline the member will be immediately refunded for the service.
When the time for the rendezvous is approaching you will receive a notification 1 hour and 10 minutes before the service is set to begin. You will find these notifications in Notification> Rendez-vous. You will also receive notifications for when a fan schedules a rendez-vous
Important Notes
Declining services- if you decline a Rendez-vous the member will be refunded the cost of the service
Missing Rendez-vous- if you miss your appointment the member will be refunded for the cost of the service
Ending Rendez-vous early- if you end the rendezvous before you've completed at least 80% of the allotted time, the member will be refunded for the full duration of the service. Creators will get a notification after 80% letting them know they can end the appointment without losing income
Income from rendez-vous services- Income from services will only be deposited into creator accounts after the service has been completed.
Member Cancels Rendez-vous- If a member cancels a rendezvous less than 3 hours before the allotted time, the member will not be refunded.
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